Friday, November 29, 2019

Time to drag out the 'outside' plans!

2020 is the year for finishing things, so out come the initial sketches and plans for utilising the sun, water and wind that moves around my home. (Dusting off this blog too, after seven or eight years - forgot I had it, but it's a useful way to organise ideas).

These were my initial scribbles and site analysis in 2003, after spending about half an hour in the house. It worked against Mother Nature's 'free' services in almost EVERY. POSSIBLE. WAY.

I took it on as a challenge, to turn this place 'only a mother could love' into a little low-tech home that worked with nature to heat and cool naturally, with minimal electrical assistance.  These were my thoughts after living in the house for a year or two and they've pretty much stayed the same, since.

There will be ideas and bits that are refined, I'm sure, but this is pretty much what's needed to make the house 'work' for all but the absolute extremes of the year (about 4 days in SEQ!)

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