Sunday, November 1, 2009

Welcome to my life!

In 2003 I did something that raised the blood pressure of several family members and close friends - I bought a house - a 'knock-down' - that a lot of people would bulldoze without looking twice. Even though it was facing the right way and had strong 'bones', it had had more dodgy plastic surgery than Donatella Versace in it's 80 years or so. Plus, I get the feeling it had also been involved in more 'stuff' than the average AFL lad, so it had a few issues to deal with in the Good Vibes department too.

I'm sure one question comes to mind as you read this ..."Why?"

Well (aside from the fact that I obviously have a masochistic streak) I wanted to take a stand against the 'out with the old, in with the new' mentality. That, and I have a strong belief that the collective "we" need to actively put some lurve back into our buildings and public spaces - and let's face it, most are in dire need of a little love transfusion.

So here I am. Six years on and recovering from an extended bout of workaholism (that lasted about 6 years), during which time I chose to look at my house as 'inside camping' because I didn't have the time, energy and money (at the same time), to start anything structural.

So I've been building soil, planting some perimeter plants and maintaining a basic temporary veggie garden to get me through. Now, in 2009/2010 it's all happening, and the plans that I've had in my head since the day I looked at the house with the estate agent in 2003, can come forth and be realised.

I hope my journey and ideas can provide some inspiration for others - god knows I've had some amazing people around to inspire me over the years.

Please leave a comment if something grabs you - that's how we all learn.

Til next time,

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